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Complaint handing process - Getting help 


This policy aims to uphold our reputation by delivering superior products and services.

The focus of everything we do, our systems and training of staff, is designed to avoid complaints. Period.

We acknowledge that mistakes do happen from time to time, and when they do we pledge to address complaints swiftly. The policy as detailed below serves as a roadmap for customers and staff, detailing the complaint handling process. It is our intent to:

• Ensure customers are informed about the complaint process.
• Clarify the complaint handling procedure to both customers and staff.
• Investigate complaints impartially, considering all information and evidence.
• Protect the personal information of customers actively.
• Assess each complaint on its individual merits and specific circumstances.

What is a complaint:

A complaint, as defined in this policy, is an expression of dissatisfaction from a customer regarding a travel service that has been provided. This definition is crucial for understanding how to handle customer feedback and improve service quality. It serves as a guideline for addressing and resolving issues that customers may encounter during their travel experience.

Lodging a complaint:

If you're dissatisfied with our service, you can lodge a complaint, free of any charge, in the following ways:

• complete our feedback form on the website,
• call,
• write,
• email,
• or speak to customer service staff in person.

Information we will need about your complaint.

• Your name and contact details;
• The name of the person you have been dealing with about your travel service;
• The nature of the complaint;
• Details of any steps you have already taken to resolve the compliant;
• Details of conversations you may have had with us that may be relevant to your
complaint, and
• Copies of any documentation which supports your complaint.

Help when making a complaint.

Our team are all trained to aid you may you need to make your complaint. Let us know if you require further assistance.

What information we will retain during this process

• The complainant's name and contact information.
• Document all details of the complaint, including facts, causes, outcomes, and post-investigation actions.
• Log all relevant dates and times related to the resolution process and communication exchanges.
• Monitor complaints for patterns as part of a continuous improvement strategy, taking corrective actions as necessary.
• Safeguard personal information provided during the complaint process, preventing disclosure without explicit consent.
• Consult with third-party travel suppliers when necessary to thoroughly investigate the complaint.

Feedback for continual improvement

We are sincere in our desire to quickly address all concerns raised with us and have put in place the following commitments:

• Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 days.
• Keep you informed about the progress of their complaints.
• Aim to resolve complaints within 21 days of receipt.
• Inform you of any delays and provide a new resolution timeline.
• Request additional information from customers if necessary for complaint resolution.
• Update you on the status of their complaint upon receiving additional information.
• Provide final findings and actions taken in writing, or verbally if agreed upon.
• Allow you to inquire about the status of their complaint at any time.

What to expect:

1. Acknowledgement: Within five days of receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge its receipt.
2. Review: We will conduct an initial review of your complaint to determine if any additional information or documentation is needed. We may contact you for clarification or to request further details if necessary.
3. Investigation: Within 21 days of receiving your complaint, we will investigate it objectively and impartially, considering the information you have provided, our actions related to your dealings with us, and any other relevant information.
4. Response: After our investigation, we will inform you of our findings and any actions we have taken regarding your complaint.
5. Action: If appropriate, we will amend our business practices or policies.
6. Recording: We will record your complaint for our continuous improvement process and monitoring through regular review. Your personal information will be recorded in accordance with relevant privacy legislation.

If your complaint is about one of our team members:

A robust complaint handling policy is crucial for any organization. It ensures that all complaints are treated with confidentiality, impartiality, and equality. The process involves a thorough investigation to gather facts, consult relevant parties, and verify explanations.

Additionally, it is essential to maintain objectivity towards staff members by informing them of complaints, allowing them to present their side, offering support, and keeping them updated on the investigation's progress and outcome. Such practices help maintain transparency and trust within the organization.

Complaints involving a regulator.

When a complaint is under investigation by a regulator or law enforcement agency, it is common practice for organizations to halt their internal review processes. This ensures that there is no interference with the official investigation. Cooperation with such agencies is crucial, as it can provide them with necessary information and support to reach a resolution. Once the investigation is concluded, the organization can proceed with its own actions based on the findings.

Escalation process:

If you are satisfied with our proposed decision or actions, we will close your complaint and record the findings for our continuous improvement program.

If you are not satisfied with our proposed decision or actions, we will record this, and
provide you with information on how to escalate your complaint, to the Australian Travel Industry Association (ATIA), for external review under their Australian Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS).

ATAS is an industry accreditation scheme that sets the benchmark of quality for the travel industry. ATAS is also responsible for monitoring our compliance with the ATAS Code of Conduct (the Code) and assisting in the resolution of complaints.

The Code sets the standards of good practice that ATAS participants must follow when dealing with their customers. As an ATAS participant we have agreed to be bound by the Code. If you would like to know more about the Code you can visit the ATAS website

AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS)

Should you wish to speak to ATAS about your complaint you can contact them in the following ways:
• By completing the online complaint form on their website
• By telephoning them on 9287 9900
• By writing to them at Level 31, 31 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
• By emailing them at

Your rights under Australian Consumer Law

You reserve the right to refer your complaint to your relevant federal, state or territory
consumer protection agency at any time.

Fab Interline Cruises, ABN 19610361025
IATA TIDS Australia – 96137694 – CLIA Australia 80104314 - +61 430 200 535


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